How to Install V Belts

1. Checking Pulleys: Before installation, check the pulleys for wear and other foreign material. Worn out pulleys must be replaced to ensure good contact between the pulley and the belt. Worn out pulleys, if not replaced may lead to the following problems - 

Worn-out pulley reduces the belt life
It may result into the slippage of belt
It reduces the power transmission of the drive
May lead to vibrations, especially when the sides of the pulleys are broken

Alway check the following before installation

Check the pulley groove with pulley gauge
When the new pulley is to be installed, always check the surface finish of the groove. A rough surface of the groove rapidly abrades the belt surface, reducing the life.

2. Checking pulley groove, key and shaft: Whenever the worn-out belts are to be replaced, check the pulley fit with the shaft. If there is any play between the shaft and the pulley, check for the wear of the pulley groove, key and shaft. improper fit leads to jerks during start of the drive and further wearing leads to the breakdown of the drive.

3. Do not mix old and new belts: Never use a set of belts having new as well as used belts. This may lead to the following problems -

Non uniform tensioning
Reduction in power transmission of the drive
Reduction in the working life of the new belts
Slippage of used belts

Always use a set with all new belts and same brand.

4. Installing belts: Never use a lever to install the belt, it may lead to breakage of tensile cords of the belt. Use of a lever invariably develops permanent twisting of belts leading to turning of belts in the pulley groove while running. The best way to install the V-Belts is to reduce the centre distance of the pulleys so much that the belts can be installed loosely. For this installation take-up allowances must be provided to the drive. There should be a provision for adjusting the centre distance so that it can be varied suffciently for easy installation.

5. Checking Alignment: Proper alignment of the installed belts should be done for the smooth running of the belts. Further more a good alignment gives longer life of the belt and pulley.

6. Re-tensioning: Check the belt tension during the first two days of operation. Re-tension if the tension of the belt reduces.

7. Drive Guard: Guard the drive properly after installation.