Collection: Nilos Rings for Taper Roller Bearings

Nilos Rings for Taper Roller Bearings

93 Products

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NILOS-Rings are a by-word throughout the entire world for the simple and space saving sealing of ball and roller bearings. The correct type of NILOS-Ring at the right place reduces the costs of the design as well as improving it.

For Taper roller bearings AV, JV

The two forms of NILOS Ring, the AV and the JV. The dimensions of the sealing edge are significantly different from those for other forms due to the difference in width between the inner and outer bearing rings. They are dimensioned such that they can be guaranteed to always be in place on the roller bearing ring and thus ensure that proper sealing is achieved in all cases.

A NILOS Ring that seals the outer roller bearing ring is described a type “AV” Description: An “externally sealing” NILOS-Ring for a single-row 30207 taper roller bearing is described as a type
“30207 AV”.

A NILOS Ring that seals the inner roller bearing ring is described as a type “JV” Description: An “internally sealing“ NILOS-Ring for a single-row 30207 taper roller bearing is described as a type
“30207 JV”.